Make Your Brand A Verb
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Make your Brand a verb

Let’s discuss the ultimate strategy to get your brand out there.  A clearly defined brand with objectives and niche can get you started. Something to consider, the law of physics can also be applied to Brand.  For instance: “A brand in motion, stays in motion.  A brand at rest stays at rest.”  So, if your brand isn’t moving, it is dying.  Dont worry, help is on the way. Let’s discuss how to get your brand out there and moving (alive!). 

Before we get started. Let’s examine the dictionary version of the term brand:



noun    verb

  1. The promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design. 

Why some businesses get it wrong

When it comes to brand, many believe you set it once and forget it.  It’s just about the color scheme, fonts and logos, right?  Wrong!  Once you have determined the look and feel associated with your brand, you are only half way there. Comparatively, it is your company’s job to deeply understand your customer’s perspective and point of view. Determine, how does your business solution make them feel? Start by examining how your business shows up in your market and what is the why behind your solution?

Do your potential customers feel confident, assured, respected when they think of your business?  Have you given them reasons to believe?  Have you clearly identified why they should choose your business over another?  Get it moving forward through clearly defined brand objectives and constant outreach to your targeted audience with the same consistent look, feel, message and approach.  Leave imprints of your brand everywhere and in all channels of communication, make it a household name. 

Another consideration to properly execute a brand strategy, is you should first determine your niche.  The best way to define your niche is to consider the following questions:

  • What do you do well
  • Are you a subject matter expert in your field? If so, in what
  • What sets you apart from your competition
  • Do you do things better than your competitors – if so, provide the proof in data and supporting documents

When you compare your business to your competitors, your brand never sleeps and neither does theirs. Your brand should be selling your distinct competitive advantage at all hours of the day. 

an image of a robot sitting in a chair versus a human physician
When patients think of robotic surgery, there are often misperceptions in who is performing the surgery. Your brand should be human.

Here are some tips

Aside from defining the why behind your brand and clearly defining your niche, there are other tactics to consider getting your brand out there and moving:

  • Identify your demographic or target audience
  • Create the Why? Behind your business – what’s your value?
  • What do you stand for? Mission and core values…
  • Define your brand personality and top 5 brand adjectives for your business
  • Brand Assets are important (logos, fonts, color palette). 
  • Stay consistent. 
  • Constantly move/push your brand till you build brand recognition and awareness.
  • Audit “brand blink” 1 x per Quarter.  Does it feel, do and say what you intended?

Want to dive deeper into the world of branding? Learn about our services and join the Tribe

A picture of a branding person laying out the brand colors and theme

Still not convinced you know how to make your Brand a verb? See what Harvard Business Review has to say about Brand.


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